Thoughts from Puerto Rico: Key Themes Amidst Transition



I thought it would be beneficial to share some of the key themes I felt important that I learned or found a new appreciation for after my experience in Puerto Rico and amidst a recent transition in my baseball life. Take from it what you want, but I think these can become very helpful in navigating your own athletic careers. 


Growth - Be comfortable getting and being uncomfortable


            If you are constantly comfortable, chances are you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough, taking chances or putting yourself in challenging enough situations. Growth happens not from the situation changing but learning how to deal with all different types of situations and challenges. I’ve seen this in multiple places but it’s a simple message. When you train in the weight room – the weights don’t get lighter, you just get stronger.  Same thing in life and sport. 


Will those situations get easier over time? Of course. But you have to put yourself in challenging and different environments to really grow as an individual person and player. Many people fear the discomfort, uncertainty or higher risk of failing, so they won’t put themselves in vulnerable situations. Those people don’t grow like those who take on these challenges.


This can be in life, school, your training or sport. Anything you choose to challenge you that is hard or uncomfortable will inevitably help you grow. Hard gets easier when you continue to put yourself in challenging situations and that’s how great players develop over time.


Dealing with Adversity - Be good at failing. You decide how you respond to things.


You don’t usually get to choose what happens to you or what results your efforts might bring. However, you do get to choose how you respond to these events or results. Make an effort to find the good stuff amidst any negative circumstances and learn from any mistakes along the way. There is nothing you can do about what happened yesterday, a bad game (or play), an unfortunate situation but learn from it, and find a way to respond to it that will benefit your present and future. 


Life and sports are full of failures or trial and error. The best find a way to get better from their experiences. When things go poorly, you can feel bad for yourself, make excuses, place blame etc, or you can get busy getting better. You’d be surprised how resilient you can be and how beneficial those opportunities to grow from are. 


You control your mindset. If you make a mistake – it’s a learning opportunity not a life sentence. Find the good, get back to work and move forward. Chances are if you do that something good will come out of it and if you string enough of these together you substantially increase your chances of success the next time something like that rolls around. That’s how tough players are built.


Focus - Be entirely where your feet are at


            It is a very tough thing to be present in todays world. Social media, a focus on what others are doing, maybe a situation that is less than ideal – I could go on for a while here. The point is, life is truly much more enjoyable when you just accept where you are in that moment in time and make the most of it. This goes for a lot of different things. The people you are with, the location you are in, the rep you are taking, the game you are playing.   


There can be a lot of anxiety about what the future might bring. Or the opposite with a wish to be somewhere else or to have had something else happen in the past, which usually brings on a little sadness or regret. Being both in the past or the future sucks a lot of the happiness and possible benefits out of the present. 


From an athletic development standpoint you can practice being present with every swing you take in the cage. Every rep in the weight room.  Every pitch during the game. Enjoy each training session and practice. Learn to enjoy the work but be fully focused on it. 


This isn’t easy. Some situations suck and some require a lot of effort. You can focus on the future but the benefits of the future come from the decisions and efforts you make in the present. Some situations you can’t change, good or bad, but there is a ton of value in being fully invested in where you are at in that very moment of time. It helps with focus, better enjoyment of the place you are in or people you are with, and a better awareness of what is around you, all of which make for better memories and better futures.


Community – Share the good stuff and support your teammates through the hard times


            The people you surround yourself with are so important. Being around people with good and positive energy makes for a much more enjoyable life. When playing the game celebrate your teammates success even if you didn’t have any on your own. When your teammates are struggling be the first to pick them up. When someone is working hard, recognize their effort.


            It goes a long way for the team and that person, but also helps get you out of any of your own possible negative or selfish thoughts. If you are around good people it will be reciprocated and make everyone’s life better. Even if you have a tough and negative coach or situation, find strength and positivity in each other.


            I have spent a lot of time on my own and a lot of time in sports. I can tell you all of my favorite memories are those shared with my friends and teammates. Those moments (not necessarily the games themselves) are what are talked about the most. My favorite part about Puerto Rico was the sense of community I saw and felt. They celebrated life and the good stuff and that energy is reflected. You’d be surprised how much more enjoyable life gets when you put good energy into others.


Be Helpful – Be the First to help. Find a way to make someone’s life better


            Similar to the last section. Be the first to pick up a teammate. To say hi and introduce yourself to a new player or team/classmate. Be the first to ask someone who is struggling to help. And do it without expectation or return. 


I was in a foreign territory and knew nobody, on top of having a language barrier. It’s crazy how much more comfortable I got and how much better my life was when people just said hi first and were friendly. It goes a long way. You also never know the people you may meet or the friend you might make. 


It all comes back around. Even if nothing comes out of it, that person will at least appreciate what you did and how you tried to make their life better. Also put yourself in that persons shoes – chances are you would appreciate the recognition or could use a little help – especially considering it’s not always easy to speak up and ask for something.


Think about the first time you were a freshman or just new to school or a team. You walked in to a new facility or classroom. Had your first practice, tried a new drill or learn something new. For most people, it isn’t easy. Knowing someone has your back goes a really long way. 


If we all did this in our environments, teams, classes and communities, I think we would all see a much more productive and fulfilling product around us. Be that person.


Find the Good Stuff - Enjoy all the moments you can


            It helps to always look for the good stuff in any situation. The more you begin to do it the more positive, fun and beneficial things you will begin to see show up. If you focus on the negatives, chances are you are going to find a lot more negatives. If you keep looking for all the reasons something won’t work, chances are you are going to see more problems – but if you look for more solutions, chances are you are going to find ways to make good things happen.


            Lastly, find a way to enjoy all of the moments and opportunities you are in. Put your phone down and enjoy what is right in front of you. Take in the moments you have each day that can be either fulfilling, fun or an opportunity to learn. One of my dads favorite lines he ever heard a coach say was “have a day, make a memory.” That has stuck with me since the day I heard it.


            You only have so much time to enjoy the games you play. To be around your favorite teammates and friends. To learn from your favorite coaches and teachers. It’s never too late to focus more on the good stuff by doing more of this and to find time to do these things, but it does take some effort and many of these things do not have an infinite timetable. You truly do not know what will happen tomorrow, so your best bet is to focus on today. 




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